Saturday, September 23, 2006
Update from Sophie
I received a very nice email yesterday from Sophie, the woman who has helped us with the HCC accounting, sending receipts, distributing the cards and many other tasks. Sophie has her own business and doesn't work for the Happy Children's Centre or go to Zablon's church, but she cares deeply about the orphans and has been a wonderful advocate for them. She's been out of town for most of September and not able to check on the children for a while. I am particularly heartened to learn that little Neema is improving. Here is an excerpt from her latest email:
Well I arrived this morning and the first thing I thought of doing was
to visit HCC school. I did as I took the umbrellas, that was contributed byMiles,
to the teachers. I found everyone fine and happy. The kids ran for me when they
spotted Tuktuk like they used to do when we arrived atschool. It was such a warm
welcome with lots of excitement; I felt that I had really missed them. It was
break time hence had a chance to chat with them and give them your love. Believe
me they are all missing you dearly. The little Neema is doing fine and no more
scabies and respiratory problems. I took a picture of her but will send it later
when the film will be developed. I also had a chance to take pictures of the
toilets. Itis already roofed and it is a great progress. Will send more pictures
of the construction soon.